Every Sunday at around 10.45am, any children (3-10 years) visiting the church are invited to our Sunday’s Cool downstairs in the Hall. There is also an area for under 3 year olds too!
It’s a fun session with friends, led by our children’s worker. We conjure up a mixture of Bible stories and learning about faith with games, singing, making, acting, sports and general running around!
We believe that God is in our everyday world, and for kids that definitely includes messy play.
Take a look at some of the chalked pavement signs that our Sunday’s Cool children made, or hear them teach the ‘oldies’ how to sing a calypso song during a Sunday service and you’ll see how we understand that our smaller people make a massive impact on our church life.
To try out Sunday’s Cool, just come to any Sunday service at 10.30am.
Monthly Themes
Every month we have a different theme from the Bible. During September we have our 'I am' series. We will be unpacking the 'I am' statements made by Jesus.
Back to Children’s activities.