Our minister and team
Minister, Pond Square Chapel |
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Abernethy-Barkley is our minister. He is passionate about making church relevant in today’s world, and is particularly interested in the intersection of faith and mental health. He likes to engage with children and young people and is keen to explore new, fresh and imaginative ways to include them in services. In 2024 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis at KCL entitled 'The Relevance of Faith to Abuse: A Study of Lived Experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse within The United Kingdom.'
Jonathan enjoys walking, reading, visiting art galleries and museums and describes himself as a serial podcast listener.
Contact Jonathan at abernethysmile@hotmail.com or through our office on 020 8341 5463. |
Children’s Worker |
Patricia Judd – Church Administrator |
Our children's work is led by a group of volunteer adults and the enthusiasm and inspiration of one of our church teenagers. |
Patricia is the main contact and ‘wonder-woman’ for our chapel users, looking after daily administration and facilities. From ballet classes to a pre-school Nursery, from brass band rehearsals to the Community Lunch, Patricia ensures that everything runs smoothly.
Patricia is also the church lead for the Winter Homeless Shelter project, she enjoys travel and playing tennis. Contact Patricia on 020 8341 5463 or admin@pondsquarechapel.org.uk. |
Dr Robert Manning – Director of Music |
Serving Elders |
Robert taught at the Royal College of Music and the Open University for many years. He loves to involve the congregation in our musical church life. He plays piano and organ regularly at recitals and commissions new musical works.
Robert has a wide knowledge of church music of all periods, and is the author of a doctoral dissertation on Purcell.
He invites many musical guests to our Sunday services – from composers, jazz musicians, brass bands playing carols, to the London Gallery Quire. It’s been great! |
Our five serving Elders are Beth Chaudhary, Iveta Olejkova, Robert Gorrie, Zacky Choo, Tom Jenkins and Christa Keeler, Prayer Secretary. They are assisted by several formerly serving Elders who continue to support the minister and participate in Sunday worship. |
International Congregation
Over the last decade, our church membership and visitors have been drawn from all parts of the world, from Japan, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, USA and many European countries. And during the Covid pandemic many old friends living across the world have joined us regularly on our Zoom services. You will be welcome - wherever you are from!
If you need to contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page.